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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Unveiling "POLITRICKS"

As much as I would try and make myself believe that things don't affect me, that the happenings around pass by me in a blur, that my daily newspaper reading/news watching is mechanical...that I am comfortably numb:D , alas it's not so...yes, I get affected too, I too feel the pain and anguish that most of you do and in fact I am neither comfortable nor numb. I too have an opinion on the going ons in this beloved land of mine and I am going to put forth that too...purely as it is, unadulterated, straight from the heart.
I have a new space for this...purely coz this proposition deserves it's individual space...so I present to you "POLITRICKS" , yes, it's not politics for me....there is only trickery and deceit in this land going around in the name of politics.

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20 eulogies: on "Unveiling "POLITRICKS""

Akshaya Kamalnath said...

Good...always good to come out of that indifferent state which we all try and hide behind because we're so disgusted with everything...but least we can do is atleast excercise those A.19 rights...will be looking fwd to the posts.

Arunima said...

hey jst dropped by ur blog...read this post though I haven't checked ur "POLITRICKS" bt ur description says there vil b lot of gud cause 2 look 4ward in it..
well den lemme chck it out..vil update u vid feedback

Keshi said...

I always believe in being honest and transparent than pretending Im ok all the time.

Good on ya and all the best for that blog!


rantravereflect/ jane said...

eahh it's all abt he taint n the tricks that makes politics tick!
kudos.. bring out the grease :)

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