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Saturday, September 20, 2008


Received some very bad news right now...my grandfather is no more.
Have to rush off to my mom's native place...will be off from blogville for some days atleast.
C ya guys...pray for the departed!!!

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35 eulogies: on "Update"

myconoclast said...

heartfelt condolences...hope you and your family find the strength to cope with this irreplaceable loss...

Sach1 said...

so sorry! Saim just take care of yours and your family. May your grandpa's soul rest in peace!
//btw mail me when you get back...

Anindita said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Take care. Keep the faith.

Solitaire said...

May his soul rest in peace and may God grant you all the strength to bear with your loss.

Saim said...

ur wishes r well received...yeah, v did d best v cud!!!
btw...nice 2 c u here after ages:)

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