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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Alphabetically Defined

Hello again!!!Am back with another post where i describe each letter of that glorious language known to the masses as "ENGLISH".Hereby,i acknowledge the significance of each letter in this blessed life of mine.

N.B.:- this is actually inspired from someone else's blog which i happened to stumble across recently in one of my endless blog-hunting sprees..)!!!Cudn't help but compile mah own list.
newayz....without much ado, let's get started!!!

A for Allah (everything i am, its coz of u) n Anthonian (alma mater) - for being the place where the first seeds of my moronic self were sowed

B for Boredom (my unsuspecting and ever compromising partner) - for keeping me company when every1 else left or were driven away by my dime-a-dozen pjs

C for Calcutta (it'll alwayz remain Calcutta for me) n Coffee

D for Dimwits/Dumboz - for making me feel like Einstein’s second in command n Diego Armando Maradona (soccer god)

E for English (with all due respect to other languages) - for just existing.

F for Friendship (a bond wrought in love and pledged in pranks) n F.I.E.M. (Future Inst. of Engg n Mgmt) - abode of four glorious years

G for Gondolas (in venice) - am a core romantic @ heart n a ride on dis beauty is my idea of a perfect rendezvous with my beloved.

H for Home (sweet home)

I for Islam (the ultimate truth) - *peace unto everyone*, Iconoclast - favourite roleplay n “I” - urs truly!!!

J for Jest (which I use when sum1 gets offended)

K for Kudos (pat on d bak) - just adore them.

L for Love - fuel of life n Laziness - profession of life

M for Manchester United, Music (sedative on which am living) n Maria Sharapova - *sighs* n *puppy grin*

N for Nights (fav part of the day)

O for Opulent fools - for always reminding me what not to be.

P for Paradoxes, Parodies n PC

Q for Queer n weird ideas which have an open passage to my mind.

R for Reveries (for providing an outlet of escape) n Reading (for getting cultivated in me since my pre teens)

S for Sanity, Sobriquets (easy meat to exploit) n Sarcasm

T for Tom n Jerry

U for Utopia (for remaining a dream)

V for Vehement denials of pranks well played

W for Water (lifeline) n Whatever else that cudnt make the list.

X for Xtra helpings of chocolate fudge (vice) n X everything (read:-girl friend)-*best wishes*

Y for You my dear n Yak attacks

Z for Zombie - favourite persona

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7 eulogies: on "Alphabetically Defined"

What's In A Name ? said...

Lingering with menfolk is the pet peeve for girls.

And yes, why did you ever have to appease by writing that FALSE post-script.

Girls love SILLY fights.

:D :D

Saim said...

@what's in a name---a bit of silliness is always refreshing...n 2 be very honest tht post script was as sincere as i have ever been
btw...u posted in the wrong place

Whats in a name.......... said...

here comes another whats in a name!!i think i kno the blog that inspired you!nevertheless,,nice one!!

Psychedelic said...

I happened to 'stumble' upon yr blog today n voila!!! Wat innovations... wat originality!!!
never seen or heard before.. truly a commendable work.. kudos!!!!

Psychedelic said...

I happened to 'stumble' upon yr blog today n voila!!! Wat innovations... wat originality!!!
never seen or heard before.. truly a commendable work.. kudos!!!!

Saim said...

thnk u so much for the sarcasm...u r quite entitled to it!!!
btw...as i said just cudnt help but compile mah own list

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