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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Life No More

Shrouded in a mist
Clouded by fate
The sky of my dreams
is beyond the gate

Amidst the transparent hue
It gives me a view
Of the canvas I painted
Which somehow got tainted

I wonder what that is
Those black lines across the art
Are they tears mixed with pain
Or did I use black paint

Where are the colors
Those strokes of valor
The outline and the shimmer
Alas, there is no glimmer

Nonchalantly it tells me
" You will now see
The canvas get ruptured
The dream get butchered "

At the altar of life
Hope is forfeited
No longer a dream
Is left to be greeted

Amidst this ritual
Where life tore the fabric
The killing is mutual
Life too is vanquished

As I fall into the abyss
Perhaps never to return
On my lips is a final wish
To once more see the sun

Can I wipe off the stains
Can I gather the remains
Washing away the guilt
Can I unfracture what I built

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16 eulogies: on "Life No More"

Ratzzz said...

:( your poem makes me sad, saim :(

* You will now see
The canvas get ruptured
The dream get butchered "

no i want my dreams pristine and clear, please

Naina said...

Can I wipe off the stains
Can I gather the remains
Washing away the guilt
Can I unfracture what I built

ah the questions remain.. :(


Saim said...

May all ur wishes come true...may ur dreams always be pristine and pure and may they all come true:)

Beauty and the BEast said...

Whoa!! Came on blogspot after eternity.. and was wondering what kept me away for so long..

This is achingly beautiful...

Makes me want to paint.. and keep painting.. till I run out of colors

Diya said...

You started it on a diff. note and ended it with another! I mean, why did you divert midway? Had you been able to continue with the flow and ended the poem somewhere midway, I guess it would have seemed more deep. Nevertheless, this was just what I felt, nothing serious :P

Whats in a name.......... said...

u sad saim?? hmmmmm!!! CHEER UP!!! loved teh simplicity, its dark but who said dark is bad?? its nice sometimes.....

loony girl said...

At the altar of life
Hope is forfeited
No longer a dream
Is left to be greeted

beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Shrouded in a mist
Clouded by fate
The sky of my dreams
is beyond the gate

very well said dude when i read for the first time frankly i didn't understand wat u r trying to say cuz the word u used is anonymous to me but after going through the dictionary,gradually i understand,the first stanza which i like the most.To understand ur language is beyond my imagination ur english is just fantastic.

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